Friday, February 8, 2013

Thursday we had clinic.  It was a mostly great day.  Alex was nervous that he would have to have blood drawn and since his PICC line was removed last clinic day he would have to get poked and he was not looking forward to it.  He wore his special cape saying it makes him more brave.  Once they decided they didn't need blood this time, Alex immediately relaxed and made himself quite at home.  He suddenly had tons of energy.  Energy he hasn't had in a long time!  Alex was all over the place, in and out of the room, taking pictures with my phone, banging the oxygen tank with the bed rails. Before all this tumor stuff I would have been so disappointed with that behavior and would made him sit still.  But on Thursday I was so happy to see it!  He was acting like an active 6 year old! I have missed that so much!  He did so good we get next week off!
So the part of the day that wasn't so great is that Alex has bronchitis and is starting to get junk in his lungs. They did a chest x-ray and are pretty sure it is just from the virus and not from aspirating.  So that's good news.  He is on some antibiotics and seems to be doing better.  Alex's oncologist was showing him the x-ray pointing out his heart, ribs, collarbones and stomach.  Alex said hey I see my ham sandwich I just ate.  It was so funny and so like Alex!

1 comment:

  1. FANTASTIC news!! We know you are wayyy busy, between Alex and Olivia and two other very darling kids who need you. Thank You for posting so we know how things are going. So many people are praying for not only Alex but all of you.
    Take care, & Thank You!
