Friday, April 12, 2013

Yesterday we lost our brave Alex. We thought we had a little more time but today we witnessed a miracle. Not the miracle we wanted from the beginning but the one we have been praying for of late. That he would go peacefully, not in pain before the horrible tumor attacks his senses and leaves him trapped. He knew it was close. He spent his last night with his mother stroking his cheek. As he sat on the couch this morning he asked for everyone to be with him. He called his little brother Charlie over, kissed him and gave him his beloved blanket. He handed his medicine back to his mother instead of taking it like he always does. He looked ahead at something we couldn't see and went to sleep peacefully. It was too soon and not what we expected but it is a blessing. Angels were with him and now they rejoice at his homecoming. We love you Alex and will carry you with us always. You went from being my son to becoming my hero.


  1. Praying that our loving Heavenly Father will comfort your sweet family during this difficult time. That you will have many tender mercies in the next coming days and weeks. Please know that even strangers are praying for your amazing family.

  2. I teach at Quail Hollow Elementary & had a few brief encounters with sweet Alex. We will miss him & that amazing smile he always lit up the room with. God be with you till we meet again darling Alex. Our thoughts, prayers, & eternal love go out to his dear family.
    Love, Nona Spencer
