Saturday, December 8, 2012

Help from Big Brother

Friday James came with us to Alex's radiation appointment.  Alex really wanted him there and we thought that it would benefit James as well to see what goes on there.  The life specialist at the hospital said that sometimes kids imagine some scary things happening when they don't know what's going on.  So we felt it was a good idea.  Alex really loved having James there!  He got to show him things and it was the first day of  going in without any tears, which helped with his breathing while sedated.  The treatment went so much faster! I think James had a really hard time while there.  Since finding out about the tumor, he has not wanted to talk about it and I think it may have just been too much for him at this time.  He got teary after Alex got his medicine to put him to sleep.  I asked him if he was okay and he said he was just hungry and wanted to be left alone. Hopefully he will be able to talk to us about it soon.
Dr. Thomson that does the radiation, lowered the dosing of the steroid even more!  He now takes it every 12 hours and it may be reduced even more on Monday if this weekend continues to go well. Can't wait til he is off completely and I get my Alex back!
Tomorrow we are cutting Alex's hair.  Just buzzing it as short as we can get it, rather than waiting for it to fall out.  Alex is actually really upset about losing his hair, he is afraid he will look to different and says he is never going to leave his room.  I told him that it's no big deal, we often give him a buzz in the summer. But honestly it is different this time.  I think I'm having a hard time with it too.  When he goes bald, he will look sicker and will look the part of  having cancer and that is one word I have been avoiding.


  1. I am so much to deal with. Your feelings, the siblings...Alex's...
    You have such an eloquent way of sharing your journey. You have such kindness in your heart & patience. How blessed your children are to have such a wonderful mom & dad. It'll be ok. It's still so new. The scriptures will give you guidance as well, as will the Spirit. You're amazing. Soon your little Christmas angel wil be here, too. Much joy.

  2. Hi. I am in Linda Terry's ward. Alex came to our Primary for awhile while I was the primary president. I remember his cute little face. He is the same age as our daughter, Brielle. I've been reading your blog to follow how things are going for him. This was a touching post. I am so sorry for you, him and your family. What a hard, hard thing to watch your child go through. It's a lot harder too (I imagine) when you add the fears and feelings of your other children that you want to take care of and trying to be strong yourself, especially when you are pregnant.

    I just wanted you to know that people you don't even know are aware of you, thinking about you and praying for you. I wish you all the best with your little Alex and with the birth of your new baby. I hope your family will be taken care of, comforted and feel at peace. Take care. Love, Alicia

  3. We should have James and Josh get together again. Since Josh has been on that end of things, maybe he could help James a little.
